Assets are diverse. Just like us.
What good are ten experts if they all tick the same way? Specialists who have the same background, experience, and gender?
We ensure we have the right mix in everything we do. We build resilient portfolios by investing in different asset classes. And we put together teams to allow different standpoints and skills to develop. In the process, we always combine skill sets to reflect requirements. And to suit what our clients need. Our assets are just as diverse as we are.
Claudia Leimkühler
General Manager KVG Risk Management
David Brandes
Student Assistant
Finn Böger
Finance, IT and Regulatory Affairs Project Manager
Jasmin Kubon
Assistant to the Management
Johannes Kiefer
Risk Manager
Lea Beckmann
Student Assistant Digitalisation & Change
Marlena Patyna
HR Officer
Sarah Schädler
Marketing Manager
Stefanie Jung
Senior Digitalisation Manager
Thien Han Ninh
Senior Corporate Development Manager
Phone: +49 40 3290 888-0