Für alle, die mehr wollen.
Sie möchten noch tiefer in die Materie dringen? In unserem Wissensspeicher haben wir eine Auswahl herausragender Beiträge versammelt. Das Autoren-Spektrum reicht von der Investorenlegende aus Omaha über einen nobelpreisprämierten Psychologen bis hin zur Pokerspielerin mit einem Faible für Entscheidungstheorie. Einfach auf den Titel klicken und mehr erfahren. Wir wünschen Ihnen viele gute Impulse!
Eine vollständige Titelliste können Sie zudem hier herunterladen.

Good to Great |

Skin in the Game |

Secrets of Sandhill Road |

Thinking in Bets |

Angel - How to invest in Technology Startups |

The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish |

The lean Startup |

Masters in Business |

Skating Where the Puck Was: The Correlation Game in a Flat World |

Naval Podcast |

Zero to one |

Invest Like The Best |

Capital Allocators |

The most important thing |

The Joys of Compounding |

More than you know |

Poor Charlie's Almanack |

The intelligent Investor |

Margin of Safety |

You can be a stock market genius |

Value Investing from Graham to Buffet and beyond |

CBA Speaker 4 April 2003, University of Nebraska at Lincoln |

Pioneering Portfolio Management |

The Art of Execution |

Ground Rules |

Super Forecasting: The Art & Science of Prediction |

The Dhandho Investor: The Low - Risk Value Method to High Returns |

This Week in Intelligent Investing |

We Study Billionaires |

A16z |

Richer, wiser, happier |

Investing for Growth |

The Rebel Allocator |

What it Takes |

Setting the Table |

The Outsiders |

The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life |

A Man for all Markets |

Mark Zuckerberg & Yuval Noah Harari im Gespräch. |

The Big Short |

Wie große Führungspersönlichkeiten zum Handeln inspirieren |

How The Economic Machine Works - YouTube |

Factfulness |

AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order |

OMR Podcast |

Trailblazer |

The Ride of a Lifetime |

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant |

Amazon Unbound |

The hard thing about hard things |

Only the Paranoid survive |

The innovator’s dilemma |

Blitzscaling |

The Tim Ferriss Show |

Loonshots: How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries |

Never split the Difference |

Extreme Ownership: How US Navy Seals Lead and Win |

Trillion Dollar Coach: The Leadership Handbook of Silicon Valley’s Bill Campbell |

Am I beeing too Subtle? |

Atomic Habits |

The Psychology of Money |

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator |

More from Less |
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